Genetic Duality
There are two modes of interaction with the world, masculine and feminine.
Groundbreaking, admittedly, but all threads must start at the spool.
All of reality gestures vaguely at these two archetypes, and each field blindly grasps pieces of the elephant, calling the tail they hold “r vs K selection”, the tusk they brush “coercion vs manipulation”, or the, um, ‘leg’ they feel “top vs bottom”.
Each mode has different purposes and desires, and has game theoretically optimal strategies to achieve them.
The masculine, we are well familiar with - small, fast gametes, spread far and wide, supported by a body built for competition, display, and yes, coercion. It is explicit, direct, and forward. This is the r-archetype.
The feminine is inherently less easy to pin down, much as a shadow has less defined boundaries than the object casting it. But description is still possible - large, slow gametes, invested carefully and prudently, by a body designed for conversation, outsourced protection, and yes, manipulation. It is tacit, subjective, and roundabout. This is the K-archetype.
Morally, these two archetypes take on the roles of Truth and Mercy - you are weak, undeserving, and twisted, says the Father, and he is right. But, pleads the Mother, you will not be treated in the manner which you deserve. You will be nurtured, helped, and taught to grow beyond that which your base desires push you to be.
The overbearing masculine crushes the fledgling, and the overbearing feminine prevents it from ever leaving the nest.
Masculine morality is rule-based, objective, and unyielding, with even young boys in play appealing to a ruleset set outside of the game itself and seeking to codify behavior in iron law.
Feminine morality is personal, subjective, and understanding, with young girls managing conflicts by keeping track of an amorphous and unspoken tally system, making sure no one gets too above or below the group.
I have, regrettably, lied to you.
There is a third mode of being, one that is becoming ever more powerful and common, and one that acts as an all-consuming cultural solvent, bringing down all it touches.
Memetic Parasitism
The third morality, Androgyne, is untethered from the concerns of genetic fitness, and is only possible once memes begin to overtake genes as the primary fitness vector. It is the mode of the eunuch, the once-man who gives up his chance at genetic lineage to have a closer seat to power, and the mode of the monk, who also steps back from the genetic line, but in order to shepherd others to their highest aspirations.
Eunuch morality is not always condemned to be a destructive force. Selflessly done, the act of sacrificing genetics for memetics can purify the mind, tempering the priest into a spiritual guide that advocates in the interest of the community without the taint that a biased individual perspective brings. But if intent is not pure, the supposed neutrality of the eunuch can be a dark and powerful weapon against all that which functions.
If the masculine reproduces through competition or coercion, and the feminine through conversion or manipulation, how then does the androgyne reproduce? In the positive mode, through ordination, an explicit call from without that can be resisted. In the negative mode, through molestation, a subversive attack on a young mind that twists it into an unrecognizable form.
In an inversion of the parasitic cuckoo’s strategy of giving up direct parenting (and the techniques it would impart through it) to have another handle the investment involved in raising the offspring, the eunuch and the monk take on the role of the host species, cultivating the genetics that are not theirs.
This is the eunuch morality we must fight. It spreads not through creating genetically strong offspring, nor through equipping them with effective memes to better leverage the always-changing environment, but by infecting the vulnerable with a memetic virus, keeping the host alive only so long as to spread to others. This is the vector of a meme that kill almost half of its hosts, but, crucially, not before spreading on to others.
Systemic Preferences
Beyond just the damage they cause to the individual who holds them, eunuch memes also naturally build systems that are intolerable.
Masculine structures are well familiar to all. They are hierarchical, with orders flowing downwards and responsibility upwards. Built for speed, they are generally intolerant of those who are not able to ‘get with the program’, as the task is deemed more important than the individuals involved. Masculine structures tend to be simple, task focused, and men unsurprisingly tend to overperform in them since they are built to men’s strengths. They are binary, with conflicts solved via argumentation first and then open violence later.
At the extreme, masculine structures become pathologically violent and overbearing, requiring total compliance with a single vision and allowing no dissent or individuality. The command structure ossifies into brittle and inflexible edicts that do not update as they slide out of date. Unable to adjust, the dying structure is eclipsed by something newer, cannier, and healthier.
Feminine structures are also likely well known, but perhaps not as feminine per se. They are contextual, with no one member being deemed the head or the tail, but rather every participant having their say and tacit strategizing and adjusting forming agreement. Feminine structures tend to be more complex and complicated, appearing especially so to the male brain, and so women tend to best navigate them. In their best form, feminine structures are better able to create buy in and true commitment as they appeal to and rewire the underlying motivations rather than relying on simple argumentation or orders. They do tend to take longer to act and adjust as it takes time for new information to diffuse through the web, but also tend to hold together throughout the process of moving towards a goal.
In their failed state, feminine structures are circular firing squads, where miasmic herd mentality reigns against the individual preferences of all involved. None defect because they believe the group is against them, but each harbors secret feelings that things are going in the wrong direction and wishes that someone (critically, someone else) would speak up and provide redirection. The consensus structure is trapped by the same tacit pressures that now become overbearing and smothering instead of adjusting behavior with a light touch.
Androgyne structures can combine the worst of both worlds to create truly hellish bureaucracies. The rules are explicit and clear, but unevenly enforced. Agreement is prioritized but it is manipulated and corrupted, with pressures applied via backchannels to ensure that incumbents are protected. Orders flow from the top and obedience is expected, but they are constantly changing for inscrutable or nonexistent reasons.
This is the world of anarcho-tyranny we currently live in. Those that break the law are handled softly or let completely off the hook as long as they are within the regime’s preferred circle, while normal citizens who push back on the chaos feel the crushing iron gauntlet of bureaucratic power. The compliance structure demands alignment with not just the orders, but the wishes of the regime, and so individual thought and independent action is an existential danger. The grip tightens and all volatility must be suppressed lest it shatter the chains.
Bureaucratic Labyrinth
In the masculine hierarchy, responsibility is assigned, each individual compatriot working towards the greater goal.
In the feminine network, responsibility is shared, everyone sharing and collating information to achieve consensus
But in the androgyne bureaucracy, responsibility is diffused, the cogs in the machine doing their best to spread it through every nook and cranny of increasingly labyrinthine walls, the cries of tasks undone echoing faintly in the darkness.
The words of Uncle Yarvin serve us well here:
In a bureaucracy, decisions at every level are not taken by individuals; they are taken by processes. All work is according to process. Managers in a bureaucracy are not bosses; they are exception handlers.
To win in a hierarchy, each participant must demonstrate enough competence at their current position to be elevated to the next one, gaining more prestige and more responsibility. As the individual rises in the hierarchy, they accrue greater power, sure, but they also gain increasing numbers of subordinates relying on them for direction, resources, and historically, for their very food.
While historically moving up in the hierarchy took multiple generations instead of the years-long promotion cycle we see in modern careers, the pyramidal structure of feudalism looks very similar to a corporation or a military for a reason — they are all masculine structures.
We moderns ignore the second half of this pyramid, though, sitting ghostly and inverted on top. The king had power over his subjects, true, but was also ultimately responsible for their physical and spiritual well being, something that no city mayor would dream of accepting.
The game of a bureaucracy is simply to avoid blame and so to avoid responsibility. Survival is the prime objective with promotions doled out based on seniority rather than effective action. While masculine structures tolerate independent thinking and routing around the chain of command in service of the objective, the bureaucracy has no objective beyond continued existence. It simply demands rigorous adherence to the Process.
The apotheosis of the androgyne structure is the human cattle herding operation that is the DMV. Called in by some arcane requirement of the regime, an unfortunate soul is immediately dumped into a holding pen with fluorescent lights and rows of uncomfortable chairs.
Immediately, the Process asserts itself — “take a number”, usually without even a human available to triage tasks. Number taken, the Unfortunate sits and waits as uninterested workers meander through tasks at a leisurely pace (they are neither graded nor rewarded for speed), chipping away at the count. Often in larger cities, Unfortunates can spend an entire day waiting at the DMV only to be told that the office is closing and promised that they will be prioritized the next day. When the Help Counter is finally reached, the Unfortunate is informed that they have brought the wrong documents, and that they need to return with the correct ones and the Process starts anew. If they do manage to navigate the system, the Process may accidentally trigger additional measures that should not happen, such as registering non-citizens to vote in local elections. No employee takes ownership of any particular step in the sludge, instead pointing towards ‘the rules’ in an endless evocation of the Process.
Imagine, if you will, a DMV that operated for profit, without the government shackles that hamstring behemoths like Boeing. It would be faster. It would be cheaper. It would have an online AI assistant that let you know the precise documentation required for your task, and it would prefill all necessary forms and transfer them via QR code to an agent for review.
Most importantly, though, it would serve its customers. A fast, nimble DMV would still have rules and enforce them, but each rule would be clear, defined, and aligned with the mission. Every employee would not simply be the physical instantiation of the Process, they would be an avatar of the Mission, actively taking ownership of its success.
An agent of the Process is never responsible for anything, they are simply “following the rules” in the most inflexible and impersonal manner possible. Where in a masculine structure the individual can be held responsible and in a feminine structure the group can be, the androgyne structure at it zenith diffuses responsibility so fully that no one can be ultimately to blame. It’s vapor and clouds all the way down.
Personal Diffusion
While the instantiations of eunuch morality is frustrating and inefficient in systems, the Bureaucracy extends its tendrils into the individual minds, warping them in a deeper and more subtle way.
Humans naturally align their beliefs with their actions, and so when they are incentivized (or forced) by the system they are in to act like a non-entity, simply passing through procedures and rules established elsewhere, they slowly erode their own individuality and perspectives, eventually becoming completely unmoored.
This is the View from Nowhere, where there essentially is no individual with particular views derived from unique experience, rather simply parroting of the regime ideology, tailored with slight personal flair. In arguments, the Eunuch Moralist cannot be pinned to any positions or views, instead squirming between topics and appealing to higher authorities because they fundamentally believe in nothing. They hold to no faith, no creed, and no people, instead maintaining an ironic distance from everything because to do otherwise would be to hold a position that can be criticized.
Returning to Reality
Much as clouds cannot stay vapor forever, eventually the diffusion caused by Eunuch Morality must end. There are many negative spirals on offer, and as the collective conscious searches once again for something solid to ground itself, they must be avoided. Providing positive paths for that condensation, then, is a critical necessity.
There are three salient rocks on which to found the path forward: family, fraternity, and community. Each, in their best and most positive form, reifies and supports the others, leading to a healthy upwards spiral.
Family is the fundamental building block — a functional individual cannot exist outside of a context. Family, tribe, and people provide the personal half of that context. Instead of being petty kings of dead and dying domains, people must return to seeing themselves as links in the Great Chain of Being, both in a chronological and a societal manner. We must cease being unmoored and deracinated individuals and instead become the integrated instantiations of a lineage and a tribe.
If family binds the individual at rest in a static context, fraternity binds the individual in motion. While hanging out and seemingly-pointless cyclical beer drinking and pizza nights create goodwill that binds, truly meaningful friendships eventually grow into something grander. Fraternity can and should be found in third places, but careers and business opportunities should foster it as well. For those among us who have been dealt an unlucky hand in the familial arena, fraternal relationships will provide the initial foundation to rebuild the structures of family and community. As the most chosen of the three bonds, there is more opportunity for the tailoring of brotherhood to specific immediate, but once bonds have been established, great resistance should be applied to breaking them.
Community is both the template for healthy familial and fraternal bonds and the result of them. It is the alpha and the omega, providing the most natural options for successive generations’ choices for their own family and friends. Individuals, when properly integrated, are bound by a web of lightly-touching but effective obligations, relationships, and roles that guide them while also providing orientation and meaning. Individuals can and will exist in simultaneous non-overlapping communities, but successful efforts will grow the influence network and provide perspective on an increasingly wide set of topics. The best communities do not stay relegated to a single facet of each member’s life, but instead draw them in and provide a living, breathing structure to slot into and draw strength from.
If the extreme Eunuch Moralist is a untethered somatic zombie, wearing various masks for the different roles they play within a day, the antithesis is a fully integrated Patriarch, bound by and beholden to specific individuals, communities, and organizations.
Embrace your bonds, anon. Forge new ones. Be a person.
Solid article that touches on important things, and offers the real answer to "how do we rebuild a collapsed society"? Which is the same answer as "how do we survive in a collapsing society?"
My only quibble comes with Anonymous Conservative's r/K theory. Neither is masculine or feminine. Each is a combination of masculine and feminine roles and scripts that sustain its social pattern. The feminine r and the feminine K are very different, though both are female and either can be feminine. Women know and react to this reality amongst themselves, and they react viscerally. The same is true for men.